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So I interviewed for a position a week ago yesterday and well they called and offers me a position at the Cleveland clinic in beechwood ohio!! And I'm very excited but I've became worried. I have a physical June 4th at the main campus and well I'm freaking out. Can they deny me because of what I've had done? All my surgeries? Because man have I been thru it all. And I'm worried that even though I'm currently doing well ,besides the pain from the fistula, that somehow that it'll ruin my dream! Thank you health for making me question everything Frowner now I'm just completely worried and scared. Ugh. Why can't it just be normal. I should be so happy but now I'm worried.
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What sort of job?

I mean, if you were (example) having to lift a great deal, and couldn't, I could see that being a limitation if the job encompassed that.

I currently work as an ICU nurse with my fistula and J pouch and have no issue. I don't think I even brought it up when I was hired years ago (about the J pouch). I hate my fistula, it's a pain in the ass (literally), but I can still do my job.
Is the physical for the job? By law you do NOT have to tell them,and they can't ask.( HIPPA,and employment laws).Some employers(usually jobs that require physical labor) will require a POST job offer physical.Then during the physical, they have you fill out a questionnaire,and you would have to disclose this to the doctor that performs the physical. Then, if it's an issue,the employer would have to see if you could perform the job with or with out "reasonable accommodation".
Don't be tempted to lie on the questionnaire,they would have grounds to terminate later.I panicked,and did this once,and then turned the job down for fear they would find out later.So believe me,I've been there !
It's easy to get nervous,but relax and just take the process as it happens.If this is post offer,they really have to be careful,and follow the law.
Last edited by techwrench

All they are looking for are drugs so if you aren't doing illegal drugs you should be fine. They may listen to your heart and lungs and look in your ears and mouth. I think I had to blow into one of those things we use after our surgeries before and they tested my reflexes. Of course that was a long time ago.

If you are using any pain medication, hydrocodone, codeine, Oxycontin, etc. then you might need to explain why. I think now if you smoke or use tobacco products they can refuse to hire your or give you so many days to quit - if you are a hospital, but am not sure of that either.
The examining physician will probably ask if you have any restrictions like lifting,or number of hours per week you can work ect.The primary reason employers do post offer exams, is to protect themselves from a fraudulent work comp. claim down the road.Say for example, someone claims they hurt their back on the job,or was exposed to something that caused them to glow in the dark.
Wow you all have helped me feel a lot better!!! Thank you for the congratulations!! It's a cardiac monitor position. So no lifting no standing for long times nothin like I'm doig with the current job I have (Carryout/person in charge) at a grocery store. The job requires hardly any lifting considering it's a job that you sit as monitor on a computer the ekgs arrthymias of patients. I am just very nervous considering what I've had done, and the fistula problem I'm dealing with. Seeing what you all have said has been awesome!

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