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Greetings j-pouch community! It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, so a quick background…j-pouch for 15 years, been on antibiotics for the same amount of time to treat pouchitis. Overall life has been good!
however I’ve been dealing with symptoms of a slow ileus for months. Bloated, abdominal pain, loss of appetite sometimes nausea. But mainly abdominal pain and gas. Has anyone dealt with this just as a regular part of life? It doesn’t seem normal and I’m not sure if I should ask more questions. Blood platelets were elevated and I have very low Vitamin D in my recent bloodwork. Thank you!

- Stephanie

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It isn’t normal, but it may take time and patience to work out how to feel better. I don’t know if the vitamin D could be implicated, but it’s by far the easiest issue to treat. Managing that gas will surely help, if you can. I always take Beano if I’m eating cruciferous vegetables. Do you have any evidence that the problem is an ileus, or are you just calling it that because of the backups you’re experiencing?

It’s important to get that vitamin D level normalized. I had a variety of chronic discomforts until I got mine adjusted, and in my body it takes 5,000 units per day (a high dose!) to keep the level in the normal range, I tried a variety of lower doses and the level always eventually dropped.

I guess I’m calling it a slow ileus because I’ve been diagnosed with that before and the symptoms are similar. It feels like anything I eat is moving so slowly through my gut.

I am hopeful that vitamin D will help. I’ll mention Beano to my doctors and see what they say. The gas backups are the worst part. Thanks for the tip!

Last edited by armywife
@armywife posted:

I guess I’m calling it a slow ileus because I’ve been diagnosed with that before and the symptoms are similar. It feels like anything I eat is moving so slowly through my gut.

I am hopeful that vitamin D will help. I’ll mention Beano to my doctors and see what they say. The gas backups are the worst part. Thanks for the tip!

At what points were you diagnosed with an ileus?

I actually got a diagnosed Ileus like 12 years ago but have struggled with them ever since my takedown. I used to only get them about once a year and they’d resolve on their own in a day or two. But now it’s like I constantly have mild to moderate ileus-type symptoms. I’m starting to get them really bad when I get sick with a virus. One landed me in the hospital last May for four days and I had to get an NG tube. I was one day away from exploratory surgery. Is it because I’m getting older? Scar tissue? Lifestyle and diet? Just don’t know yet.

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