I put that in quotes because my local GI doc in Des Moines and my Mayo doc in Rochester have said the scopes show very, very little evidence of chronic pouchitis. But yet, here I am asking for advice. Take down was May 2013 and was put on Flagyl/Cipro for a few months until I started losing feeling in my feet and fingers. No more Flagyl even though it was definitely cutting down the # of urges and frequencies. Cipro didn't really help without Flagyl. Since last November I've been on opium to slow the system down but that didn't cut the # of urges down, just the flow. Been on a # of different antibiotics including Amox-clav, doxycycline and now Xifaxin. Nothing seems to be cutting down the frequency/urgency. Still at 15-20 (sometimes more) per day. Dr's are starting to talk about removing the J-Pouch but I asked about drugs that I was on when I had UC. Dr. Kisiel at Mayo is receptive to it but wants me to stay on Xifaxin another week to see if I see improvement (so far I haven't). My last choice is to go back to an external device but also know I can't continue to live with urgencies and accidents. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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