I maybe having my jpouch 2nd step done next week. I had the 1st op nearly 3 years ago now, had a leak on the join and has not healed. Surgeon may reverse/may not..
my worries are that I suffer from chronic chronic insomnia, i have one chance at getting off to sleep (with prescription meds). I am already so sleep deprived. If this goes ahead, can anyone offer me some advise - what time to stop eating?How long is transit time, with or without 'fillers'? what foods are best to start with? What's best to slow things down?
Gosh, I have waited all this time, wanting it done and now so worried I'm not going to get any sleep. I cannot fall asleep once I'm awake, it's that bad!
Thanks for any advice, go in Friday
(Hi Jan-hope you are well)
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