We just had our toilets replaced this week in our two bathrooms. Finally got fed up with multiple flushing of our low flow toilets to get the job done.
I did a lot of reading, and finally dug out my Consumer Reports (Sept 2012), where they rated fixtures for bathroom remodels. We wound up buying what was top on their list, the American Standard Champion 4, 1.6 gal/flush. It actually beat out the Toto and Kohler toilets in the review. I don't know how long they will be selling the 1.6 gal, since they are replacing most models with 1.28 gal these days (at least in California).
http://www.consumerreports.org...ets/buying-guide.htmYep, this is the one where they flush a bunch of golfballs...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQLPXImsHQkAnyway, it has a unique flush system that dumps the entire amount of flush water in less than a second. It really cleans the bowl completely. I only have to clean the rim (that stays dry) and the seat, if I am particularly messy. It is also extremely quiet, both on the flush, and the refill of the tank (nice for my husband when I make late night visits!).
The downside was that the toilet seat lid is flimsy (switched that out right away), and the handle is cheap plastic (switched to a nice metal one).
Funny the things we can get excited about!