Hi folks! I’m considering making a dietary change in an effort to possibly stave off another bout of pouchitis. I have been very lucky these past nine years as I don’t get pouchitis very often but I probably average once to twice a year. I’m looking into gluten-free, low FODMAP and at the same time I have tried to lessen my consumption of animal products. If I could handle more fiber in my diet I probably would be a vegan (ethical, health and environmental reasons) but fiber is not my friend. Have any of you had much success dropping gluten out of your diet or following a low FODMAP diet? 10+ years ago when my ulcerated colitis was active, and of course when I still had a colon, I went on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet/ SCD with some success. I found it way too restrictive though. Not sure I could do it long term but I do think I could go gluten-free successfully if it would help. Please share your experiences and or your thoughts. Thanks in advance!
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