How did they get to the IPS conclusion? Did they rule out all other pouch problems - pouchitis, mechanical problems with the pouch, ishemia, etc.. I firmly believe that not many colorectal surgeons or general GI docs really understand the full analysis and diagnosis of pouch problems. I went through 5months of $%&^ immediately after takedown when my surgeon threw me out of his care saying everything was anatomically correct and then my supposed guru local GI and "pouch expert" diagnosed me with pouchitis and cuffitis, threw what he thought was every test, scope, scan, MRI, and drug at me which never fixed anything. Despite me still going 40+ times a day and becoming dramatically underweight, he went so far as saying it was all in my head... like IPS, had me go see a psychologist.
I finally got myself to Dr. Shen at CC and he almost immediately diagnosed me as my pouch having mechanical problems (within 30seconds of his scope)- the entire pouch was too large AND the efferent limb was angulated and too long. This all prevented my pouch from ever emptying.
So point in my long story is... make really really sure that all other real pouch problems have been ruled out by real pouch gurus.
good luck.