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its now seven months that i had my takedown operation.


h i have an issue where i can wait hours before i have the urge to go but once i go it starts a process of going 7/8 times in a very short period. Just when i think its over and empty i have to again.


Does anyone know what this could be do to?

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I don't know - I sure wish I could help you.  What has your GI person said?  Have you had pouchoscopies, etc. to try to get a diagnosis?  Sometimes I've had better luck with a GI person than my surgeon when issues have come up thru the years.  I bet they can fix it.  Also, when you say 7 to 8 times in a short period of time - what do you mean?  Some people with j pouches (my dad - I can remember) sat in the toilet for about a half hour at a time....I don't know if he had this sensation.. but it took him a long time to go.  He's almost 80 and has had pouch for 31 years.  Not sure - just throwing out ideas. So sorry and hope you get good info. and help here or at the doc's office. Hang in there.

I am not sure that this is abnormal. Many people think you just sit there long enough for whatever is at the exit to "explode" out, and you are done. But, unlike a rectum that contracts when full, the j-pouch empties by gravity. So, yeah, it is not atypical for more stool to drop down after the pouch empties. You clean up, stand up to wash your hands, and "whoops" there's more that wants out. The longer it has been since you last emptied, the more there is to come out.

Sometimes what I've eaten has an impact too.

So, I've just learned to be more patient. 

But, if this is causing you pain, then be sure to bring it to your doctor's attention.


Last edited by Jan Dollar

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