After returning from Scripps La Jolla, CA (6/11/'14) where I had a dilation in Interventional Radiology with Dr. Goldklang, GI MD from Encinitas, CA I now have eliminated the narrowing at the entrance to the pouch as the reason for my severe pain.
My first CAT scan Dec 5, 2013 by Dr Worsey he decided the narrowing at the anastomosis (where the small bowel joins the pouch)was the reason for my pain which started 6 months before that.
This pain is so severe that my heart rate doubles severe sweating and I have to lie on my side with the catheter in until a large amount of liquid stool and gas comes thru. Then pain relieves. The only thing that made my life tolerable the last year was drinking at least 2 glasses of grape juice everytime I ate. I only ate one meal a day in the evening. At the end of this adventure I was wearing a leg bag at all times.
When I woke up last Wednesday from the procedure which was done using Propofol (anesthesia) MD was gone and nurses told me the procedure was a success. I flew home several hours later and did some very serious suffering on the plane from gas expelling over the next 6 hours.
Discharge instructions: Resume normal diet. No way could I. I was so sore from the gas blowing up my small bowel I just sipped fluids for a couple days and when it didn't get better I started on Cipro antibiotic 2x a day. Maybe I have an overgrowth of bacteria?
Now that I have eliminated the kock pouch as the cause of my troubles (maybe it contributed) I have to start testing the rest of the bowel to see what is the source of my pain. I will stay up here near my home at least.
I am posting this for anyone FYI in case this happens to you or you can help me. I will now call Dr Zagarra's office at Sutter downtown since he is a colorectal surgeon and is not afraid to work on me. Small bowel follow thru is next test I think Let me know if anyone has any ideas???
Jeanne in Placerville, CA
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