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I'm thinking about surgery and I have my appointment with my Gastroenterologist in two weeks from now to discuss surgery.

I'm almost 30 and it's time for me to think about children wether I want some or not. With an ostomy, is it possible to get pregnant? Are further surgeries needed when the belly grows? I would think the sticking out small intestines is slipping back in when it grows. Can somebody answer that?

Should I wait till J-Pouch (if I'm even eligible for one). Or should I think about pregnancy before I do all surgeries?

Also, can you have sex after surgery? How is it possible with a bag? How can I prevent any leakages? Or just I should I just not do it?

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Hi Andrina,
First off, pregnancy is possible with an end ileo, with a j pouch or k just requires certain precautions before, during and after...some people sail through pregnancy with so much as a burp, others need to watch their weight, what they eat and need bedrest in the end...more often than not, they need to empty their pouches more often during the last 2 trimesters of pregnancy due to the baby pushing on the pouch...
Many pouchers or women who have had extensive abdominal surgery also find it difficult to concieve due to scar tissue and other problems...but some breeze throught that just is.
I do not know if anyone actually has ever done any statistics on the subject but there appears to be a corelation between abdominal surgery, scar tissue and infertility or at least difficulty in conception...scar tissue is a big issue with any major abdominal surgery.
Should you put off surgery if you need it just because of fertility questions? I personally wouldn't put off any life saving surgery for that. If on the other hand the surgery is elective, no urgent or for a life threatening condition then I would have an apt with a obs/gyn and discuss it with them too...maybe have a session of egg retrieval pre-op just in case if possible.
That said, you should not be putting certain considerations before surgery if you are not even sure if you want children...your health comes first.
Hope that this helps but please remember that it is my personal opinion and not that of everyone else.
Had a j-pouch, but had chronic pouchitis and chose to get a perm ileo. Got pregnant three times, miscarried once. I did need IVF to get pregnant (I had four abdominal surgeries before trying to get pregnant), but was successful first try with IVF all three times. I was 30 when I opted for the perm ileo. 34 when I conceived my first baby and 37 for the second.

The current protocol is that if you want children soon - next 2-5 years - you get the ileo, then have your kids, then pursue j-pouch after you are done having babies. The reasoning is that the more surgery and manipulation of the abdomen you have done, the more the possibility of fertility issues.

My first pregnancy I did have an obstruction, but we were able to resolve it without surgery. Otherwise, normal pregnancy, no bedrest, no restrictions, full term c-section delivery healthy baby - now SEVEN years old!

Second pregnancy no problems at all. Full term, c section healthy baby - now FOUR and a HALF years old!

If you are in reasonably good health aside from the GI issues, an ostomy shouldn't prevent you from having a perfectly normal pregnancy. As for sex, it pretty much works the same Big Grin I've never had leaks or issues. Occasionally, I might have to distribute weight differently, just so hubby isn't lying directly on my appliance, but it really is a non issue.

Let me know if you have any questions!
my second pregnancy was with my ostomy. No problems, wasn't even high risk,. Sex is no different with an ostomy, but it can take a bit after surgery to feel like you have your body fully back. I've never had a leak from sex. You may not realize unless you've had an ostomy for a while, but you don't actually think about it all the time and it isn't as big a part of your life or identity as others may think it should be.

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