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Next to pouchitis, this is my next battle to conquer. I read a post in here a while ago about others who have this issue, but no solutions were discussed.

When I had UC, I felt much better during hot weather months but, since the J Pouch I overheat just thinking about heat! Seriously, my knee caps sweat and I am always seeking out a fan or A/C. And this has been going on since my 20's so it wasn't menopausal related.

I have a doc who gave me gabapentine (generic name, don't recall brand name). It has many uses, including for hot flashes in menopausal women. We gave it a try and it does work pretty well, except it can make you very drowsy. I don't always experience that, but sometimes it does knock me out. Therefore, it would nice to find another option.

I have to stay away from hot drinks, alcohol, drink ice water, run my wrists under cold water.....but it is still an ongoing battle. Anyone have other ideas?
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I suffered from heat intolerance, hot flashes, night sweats, etc. from my early thirties until menopause at age 50 (almost to the day!). It was worse after my j-pouch surgery, but I have since come to the conclusion that it was all hormonal (even though my hormones checked out fine). Those lab tests only show a snapshot and do not show the daily fluctuations. All this did seem to coincide with subtle changes in my menstrual cycles. So, while this was not menopause related, it definitely was perimenopause, which can last for a decade or more (sorry to say). Major surgery can trigger it too.

The slightest humidity and I was dripping with sweat, a sip of a margarita would make my ears turn red and the internal furnace go full blast. The good news is that now that I am fully menopausal, I can drink alcohol, tolerate exercise and heat, and even complain of being cold! Before, I'd be the one in short sleeves and shorts in the middle of winter.

Interesting that in the above article it indicates that elevated levels of norepinephrine can cause heat intolerance. Interesting, because it turned out I had a neuroganglioma that sectreted norepinephrine. This was right above my adrenal gland. After an adrenalectomy, things improved some, but some of the neuroganlioma remained.

It is possible that it is related to the j-pouch, but I would bet good money that it is not. However, chronic inflammation, like pouchitis can mess with your thermostat, so that can be a factor. Did you find you were more heat tolerant while taking the Flagyl? That may be another clue that your pouchitis is ramping up again. Just a thought. Remember, most of the time with your j-pouch has been with pouchitis!

Jan Smiler
Last edited by Jan Dollar
There are times Alaska has sounded appealing. We lived in MD for 5 years and I couldn't handle the summer humidity there. And I dread any discussion about warm weather vacations.

I, too, am typically in short sleeves/shorts and will go outside in the dead of winter to cool off.

I know proper hydration is part of it for me and I have been increasing my intake. Seems to help some.

Jan, I think you are also on to something with the pouchitis. I definitely have had cold spells since having it better controlled. My husband and I have both wondered what's up!

I intend to call the GI on Monday about the pouchitis symptoms that seem to be reappearing, as well as keep up my wanter in take.

It would be nice to find the right mix/tools to get this under control.
I look like a dripping tomato as soon as it gets hot (makes the students laugh)....I turn bright red, sweat bullits and get stinky and clammy all at once...I do not have A/C in this house like in most of isn't common other than in major shops and services or know I run for the nearest hotel if I can and cool off in lobbies, boutiques etc...problem that even in the hospitals there isn't A/C...they are hell in only solution is to get to a pool as often as possible or sleep in a tub full of cold water (do not try this at home, children!...I use a neck pillow to keep my head above water).
Surprisingly enough I survived the last two summers with a little less misery (we had lousy summers, I was the only one cheering)...maybe menopause is helping me with the way, pre-pouch I loved hot weather...
By the way, I also cannot tollerate tight sleeves, turtle necks, tight spaces etc...all since my pouch...

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