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I'm a member of the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC) & thought I'd share information about an application developed by the CCFC for an iPhone, Android and the web that might be helpful for some of my fellow Canadians in need of urgently finding the closest public bathroom. The Can’t Wait mobile application works in two ways: it uses GPS to track the user’s location and point to the closest bathroom; and it allows users to add bathrooms to share with the entire Can’t Wait community, their friends, or just for their own use. It is available as a free download through iTunes and the Google app store, by searching for Can’t Wait. The web-based version of Can’t Wait is online at It allows users to search for a specific location in Canada and find public bathrooms either en route or close by. Users can also link to both versions through Can’t Wait users have inputted over 1,300 bathrooms right across Canada so far, and CCFC urges new users to input bathrooms they know are accessible to the public. The application also allows users to list bathroom hours and any information that makes access easier, such as whether a key is required. See link below:

It was developed specifically for Canadians, but I notice there are a few U.S. locations input as well. - Dixie
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