It's been a while since I've posted. We've been trying to conceive a second child for over a year. Our first was conceived by surprise while we were using barrier methods for birth control, so I did not expect it to be this hard. My last surgery was 9 years ago, so nothing has changed since I conceived my daughter. I do know that one of my Fallopian tubes had 'dense adhesions' per my sugeon's description that were removed as best they could be, but previously never had an HSG to check if it or both tubes were blocked. Obviously at least one must have been functioning in 2011 when my daughter was conceived.
I saw my OB/GYN yesterday since it has been a year. She ordered a few tests, including an HSG, and suggested that maybe when I was pregnant, things in my pelvis (tubes, ovaries, bands of scar tissue) moved around in such a way that now scar tissue is blocking/kinking my tube or sitting between my tube and ovary.
Is that something that actually happens, or is she just throwing out a wild theory? I went in yesterday feeling pretty sure she'd just tell me it would just take me longer than normal to conceive, so that was a big curve ball. IVF is not an option for us so the thought of having no functioning tubes is really upsetting. Unfortunately I won't be able to have the HSG for 6 weeks. Sorry if this is a really strange question, I'm just having a hard time processing this. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or insight.