Hello everybody,
I'm sorry if the topic has already been asked but i couldn't find a lot of information online. I had my reversal surgery 4 months ago and i've been eating all sorts of junk food and especially a lot of cheese, because i've missed food, back when i was sick my UC couldn't handle anything i had a very strict diet so when i had my stoma and even after my jpouch i was craving a lot of things but not doing any sports which means that i've gained a lot of weight ! But all of this is over now i want to have a healthy life style, so two weeks ago i stoped smoking and when i went doing the groceries i didn't buy any cheese or meat, i've been doing a vegan diet for the past two weeks and doing a lot of research at the same time but from what i understood most of the vegan pyramid ingredients contain a lot of fiber, it's good for a "normal" person diet, a lot of fiber, raw fruits and vegetables... So here is my question, can a jpoucher have a plan based diet ? i'm starting to learn about what we can and can't eat so any information is helpful to me i know that everyone is different but it can help me have an idea.
Thank you so much for reading and answering me.