TECHNIQUE: MR of the pelvis WITH AND WITHOUT intravenous gadolinium.
COMPARISON: Comparison to multiple prior studies the most recent one
CT abdomen and pelvis 3/23/12
CLINICAL INFORMATION: Status post ileal pouch-anal anastomosis.
Suboptimal study due to motion.
Post operative changes to the pelvis with distortion of normal anatomy.
The uterus is not visualized.
There are multiple dilated bowel loops in the pelvis with gas and fluid.
Air and gas within what is believed to represent a surgical pouch. There
is thickening and enhancement surrounding the distal rectum/upper anal
canal to the anastomosis with significant enhancement and small amount of
fluid in the posterior pararectal space.
No perineal abscesses.
Visualized osseous structures and pelvic walls show no gross abnormality
except for post operative changes to the lower anterior abdominal wall.
Suboptimal study due to motion.Extensive postoperative changes pelvis
with distortion of normal anatomy.
Status post ileal pouch-anal anastomosis anastomosis with abnormal
enhancement and thickening surrounding the surgical anastomosis
extending to the upper anal canal. Small amount of fluid along the
posterior pararectal space. Anastomotic leak cannot be excluded.
RECOMMENDATION: Gastrografin enema.
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