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We are at our wits end here and wonder if anyone can help please - my husband had J-pouch surgery in 1991 - he has had many other operations for various body parts since then !!!

Just on 3 years ago he had spinal surgery with 2 rods and 8 screws being put in - it went reasonably well for a while but he now suffers a lot of pain still and is on Oxycontin which is making him VERY depressed and doesn't completely get rid of the pain - he also takes Endone. Yesterday the Dr started him on Targin as a part substitute for the Oxycontin and he had the worst night with sweats, anxiety etc - he tried patches before but they also had side effects.

I wonder if you have any advice ( we are in Australia ) or experience with these drugs and a J pouch please - any alternative drugs or ideas would be so very much appreciated - thankyou, Lesley
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Sounds like a pretty miserable existence.
I would inquire about a spinal pain pump. This delivers tiny amounts of narcotic to the spine, with little to no systemic effects. The pump is implanted under the skin and is refilled by injection periodically.

He would still have to go through detox while coming off of the systemic opiates, but a pain management specialist can oversee it all.

Jan Smiler
Thankyou all soooo very much for your replies. WE have had several phone conversations with doctors since visiting our own local doctor early this morning.

Your messages are greatly appreciated believe me - yes Laura, we have tried acupuncture but even the acupuncturist said he can do no more, Alli, we haven't heard of that drug but will most certainly ask his Pain Management Specialist. Dog, yes he tried Tramadol but it had it's own side effects and no Jan, a pump hasn't been mentioned but I was watching something on TV recently where a lady had a pump of sorts inserted for a urinary problem and wondered at the time if something similar could be done for my husband - lots of help from you all and lots of ideas to ask about - thankyou all heaps !!!!!!!

On another related subject to pouches - have any of you found that after an operation your pouch seems to lose it's memory and stop working - amongst other operations and illnesses, my husband has had 2 carpel tunnel ops, a new knee, 2 new shoulders, a new hip and the spinal fusion - the anaesthetic seems to knock the pouch's memory out causing great discomfort and upset for a few days after the operations . . .

Many thanks to you all once again - your kindness speaks to my heart xox

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