Weird question. I have a stricture right at top of pouch (sorry, have posted about this once already), and they would like to operate to remove it (yes yes complications because so close to jpouch, makes me not want to do surgery, am afraid of going back to bag, am pooping and all that quite well, so scared of surgery making everything worse as has sometimes done in past and more scar tissue etc...). They say there is a fistula that is basically allowing everything to pass through/ around and not go through the stricture (size of pin hole apparently when scoped).
My question is sort of weird, and perhaps ill-informed; can a fistula ever be a good thing? If my body has created a way AROUND this stricture, can that perhaps be a good thing? Can that be what is keeping me eating and healthy? Can I just continue like this? I really really do not want more surgery (I know everyone is different, and we all have tricky and complicated reasons for doing surgery or not, and I have full respect for those differences / choices / as well as sometimes feeling like you have no choice).
Also, has anyone every had a small stricture diagnosed, and then seemed better on its own at a later scope?