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I'm just getting back into hiking and camping and am getting used to the idea of disappearing into the woods to do my business several times a day. I carry a plastic trowel to dig a hole, tissue paper and dog poo bags for used paper (to carry and dispose of later). I try to find a spot on a slight downward slope and/or near a tree I can hang onto - I find it makes it a bit easier. I've also learnt to factor in the time involved i.e. 10-15 mins x 6-7 times a day = 1-1.5 hours to schedule for bowel empying!


This is why I had jpouch surgery, so I could camp and backpack with no worries!  I have enjoyed many trips since my surgery a few years back, the only thing I do differently when i backpack is I take lomotil to slow down my frequency.  Other than that, I eat whatever is put in front of me and take a lot of vitalyte for hydration.



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