I have had a j pouch since 2006, with pouchitis but few other problems. The past week has been concerning. A week ago tonight, I was violently sick ( throwing up, watery diarrhea, chills, bad abdominal cramps, headache). I got mostly stabilized at home by the next morning but was concerned about Covid. Two negative antigen and one negative pcr test later, I have ruled out Covid but am still not feeling well. I have improved but plateaued with moderate nausea, limited energy and still watery ( not formed) stools. I am in a complicated comorbidity situation, incl kidney disease, so I have to watch this extremely closely to avoid dehydration. So I am thinking this could be either c diff (??) or a blockage of some kind. Any thoughts or advice ? Or maybe I am missing something else ? Thank you
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C-Diff usually smells really really really bad. I’m told it’s like a sickeningly sweet smell. I think probably you are through the worst of a bad stomach virus. Maybe you should get some fluids though just to be on the safe side.
Thank you. A stomach virus makes sense, and I had thought about food poisoning as I had lunch that day at a restaurant. I suppose c diff or blockage would also likely be more painful . Thank you for your thoughts !
I do not think you have either one. I have had C diff several times and there is not always a smell for me. One thing I do always get is back aches badly. I do not see the harm of dong a stool culture ASAP. It seems more viral.
Thank you. Working on getting orders for stool culture. Between Covid and snow, things in NE Ok are at a standstill. I appreciate your comments !
Let’s us know what it ends up being.
Hope you are now doing okay and that you have gotten fluids on board. You are right to be concerned and get it checked out!