I had my j-pouch put in 4/15/14. I started back to work 5/19. Later that week my output started to find its way to my pouch and out the bottom. Then the pain in the butt started. It hurts to sit and stand. Now it hurts all the time no matter what I'm doing. Going #2 helps relieve a tiny bit of the pain. The pain pills just take the edge off and isn't a long term solution. I called the surgeon yesterday and they don't think it's pouchitst but have no idea what it is. If it still hurts next week he will see me.
I'm crying right now because I'm so tired of being in pain. It's been almost four weeks and nothing is helping. I'm afraid if it hurts now, what's it going to feel like when my loop is taken down in sept?
I need help please. My dr doesn't know so I'm lost.
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