Hi all,
Ive had my pouch around 3 months now, i can't complain at all, I've been on holiday, drank with friends and back in the gym. Few issues here and there but i suppose I'm still only in the early process so its to be expected.
My main issue is the butt burn! Normally my stools are pretty formed so doesn't normally cause an issue, however about 3 weeks go i had some pretty loose burning stools which after wiping numerous times, i developed some sores in my anus, could tell this from bits of red blood on the paper. Im finding now I'm getting a kind of 'salt in the wound' effect every time i use the bathroom. I use a barrier cream and vaseline, however this isn't healing the area! I done a bit reading and lots of people have said Ilex Skin Protectant is excellent at letting everything heal whilst protecting the area. Just wanted to see if anyone could share their experience.