Hi ,
I need some advice on using the bathroom. I stay in the bathroom sitting for 15 minutes and when I feel like nothing it is done after cleaning I stood up but the urge comes back again that I have to do sit again for another 10 -
minutes again.i am not sure if it's just me but did anyone had that experience? I have the burning pain and still have to start all over again.i really do not know how to explain it clearly but can anyone help? Also , I have more bathroom trips at night than at daytime.
Sometimes I was thinking that I made a wrong decision of doing this!
I need some advice on using the bathroom. I stay in the bathroom sitting for 15 minutes and when I feel like nothing it is done after cleaning I stood up but the urge comes back again that I have to do sit again for another 10 -
minutes again.i am not sure if it's just me but did anyone had that experience? I have the burning pain and still have to start all over again.i really do not know how to explain it clearly but can anyone help? Also , I have more bathroom trips at night than at daytime.
Sometimes I was thinking that I made a wrong decision of doing this!