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Hi guys... So I just noticed that I have a small bump down there, sort of between my vagina and anus but off to the side a little bit. I am trying to stay calm. I also have HSV so I have started some prophylactic valacyclovir in case that's all it is. It isn't painful or tender at all really, I just noticed it by chance.

In any case, we're coming up on the holidays and I'm wondering if, in the slim chance that it is an abscess or fistula, is it better to have it seen to sooner rather than waiting? I mean, is there anything that my GI/surgeon would do that could make things go better, or does it really not matter? Trying to decide if I should drop everything tomorrow and try to get squeezed in before everyone goes on vacation.
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This may be a stupid question, but is it possible that it could be an ingrown hair? My daughter and sister has had pretty big and painful bumps (in that area) that turned out to be ingrown hairs.

Maybe put a call in to the office or email the nurse just to run the question by the dr? Bty, my daughter had many problems, a few years ago, in between Christmas and New Years and even though her dr. wasn't there they did have an attending. (same practice your dr is in)
liz. might be best to go see a doctor sooner than later. Better to be safe than sorry. Your surgeries were not that long ago. So just in the extremely slim chance that it is an abscess, it surely would be best to get it drained verse it finding its own pathway and possibly creating a fistula. (I do know someone this happened to.) In addition getting this off your brain for the holidays would be good.
Thanks all. I have an appt with the on call GI for Monday and sent an email to my regular GI, though she's not great about emailing, hopefully she responds...

I'm a little worried the GI will shrug and say it's not his area of expertise or something, can an abscess be diagnosed without imaging? Could it be an abscess if there's no pain?

Went a lot better than I expected! The on call GI examined me and said he thought it was probably folliculitis but he wasn't confident enough to send me away so his office called the surgeons' office and got them to squeeze me in with the CR surgeon on call immediately.

The surgeon was a total butt about having to see me (the first thing he said when he walked in was "Your GI made it sound like this was some kind of EMERGENCY" and then he made a snide remark about how I should have gone to my own surgeon (who is on vacation this week)) but he agreed that it was folliculitis and everything else seemed fine. Apparently I do have a small anal fissure (I had felt burning last week and thought it was from eating something spicy or maybe mild cuffitis) but he said to leave it alone.

In any case I feel better now Smiler

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