Hello All. I have some concerns about breastfeeding. I need to give a little bit of back story first so bear with me.
I've had my jpouch for 16 years. About 3 years ago I started having more issues with my diet and scar tissue. I eat a reduced residue diet regularly which keeps things moving, but I get constipated really easily. I feel like I have to opposite problem of most jpouchers. I started fertility treatments a year and a half ago, from IUIs to IVF there was a lot of different meds. Most of them my body hated, mostly resulted in awful digestion/jpouch issues. IVF was successful and I am having a csection on March 1st. Throughout this whole pregnancy I've had so many issues. My diet is low residue and I've had to have 2 dilations, one under anesthetic, and I drink prune juice daily just to get things moving.
I'm ready for things to normalize and to get my body back after pregnancy. It honestly makes me not want to breastfeed. I'm worried about the dehydration and an increase in food intake, which are both things that cause me issues. I'm not opposed to formula but obviously I want to do what is best for the baby and breast milk has the added benefit of increased immunity. I'm thinking that it might be good to go half breastfeeding and half formula to decrease the stress this might cause on my body.
Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated. Thanks!