Has anyone had the Bravo pH test done for reflux? I'm being investigated for chronic reflux symptoms and the upper GI surgeon I'm seeing told me there would be no problems with doing this test even though I have a j-pouch. He attached the sensor to my oesophagus last Monday (it's an inch long and the thickness of a pencil) and I was suppose to pass it 5-7 days later but I still haven't. I had an X-ray done today to see if it is still attached to my oesophagus but it has dropped off. For the past 2 days I have been experiencing pouchitis like 'bruising' pain and have had the feeling of incomplete emptying. I'm really worried the sensor is stuck horizontally in my pouch and can't pass through! Has anyone else experienced a blockage due to such a sensor or even a pill cam? How can they take it out if it really is stuck? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
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