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Are you getting enough nutrition? The pulse isn't bad, the BP is low. You've tested yourself for the classic signs of dehydration and passed, so I'd look towards something else. Most likely at your state of the pouch it's a malnutrition effect. What is your caloric intake? Do you take any kind of vitamin?

Around the stage you're in now I started blacking out while standing. At one point I passed out in the bathroom and just missed cracking my head on the toilet. It was eventually tied to malnutrition. I started taking an ensure two times daily and beefing up on fattier/heartier foods and it came back.

Make sure you make body position changes very slowly.
thank you for that. im eating very few items. mostly corn pop cereal with almond milk and occasionally cheese sticks. most foods are killing me so i fear eating but my hunger wins. i think my caloric intake is low but not drastic. vitamins nauseate me. i feel like im in a catch 22. i keep trying boost but every time i do i have a hard time breathing and my stomach/chest gets so tight. i would try more foods if they didnt cause late night straining. my current diet causes minimal straining but yesterday i tried some chicken and i was spasming and straining all night. my doc tested blood urine and stool and say only my vit d was a little low...
If you had significant dehydration, your pulse would be rapid, not slow. Same thing for anemia. I would be looking at drug side effects, hormone inbalance, or cardiac issues.

If you are feeling dizzy or lightheaded, you need to make an urgent care appointment, or go to the ER. If not, the blood pressure may be within normal limits for you. The numbers by themselves mean less than when compared to past values.

It is unclear to me why eating would cause breathing difficulties...

For me, 90/60 was my normal operating BP. It is how you feel that is most important. So urgent care may be where you need to be. Could be a panic attack...or something else. That's why evaluation may be in order.

Jan Smiler
maybe its because i eliminated all meds last week? a delays withdrawal? i did just start hormone replacement a couple days ago because with my situation i create zero testosterone but ive been slowly feeling this even prior to that. was thinking the flu but ive never had the flu take so many days to peak. no fever no puking. just not feeling like a flu. if no change er tomorrow. ould it be from laying in bed too much? i just feel so crappy and cant sit up with this possible abscess so ive been in bed for weeks getting up once in awhile when my wife gets home...
Could be from withdrawal, particularly the dizziness. Adding testosterone should be improving your general sense of well-being and reducing anxiety/panic, but who knows? This does not fit dehydration. However, it does fit with a viral syndrome, not necessarily the flu virus.

What medications did you discontinue? Many medications have a long half-life...

Jan Smiler

Sounds like you need nutrients and I recall that you have trouble with a lot of food. Homemade chicken broth is the best thing you can eat. If you or someone you know can make real chicken broth, you will be amazed at how fast you will feel better. Throw an organic chicken carcass in the crock pot and break all the bones to access the marrow. Throw all kinds of veggies even onion peels and beet tops and everything else as long as it is healthy. Add water and let it cook for hours. Strain all of it so all you have is a healthy, nutritious broth with no solids. This will give you all the nutrients you need. It saved my life! Also, miso soup is very nutritious and easy to digest. I also cooked white basamic rice in organic veggie broth until it was like mush. This is very digestible and a great way to get nutrition as well. I would stay away from corn. Just a thought...Keep us posted!


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