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Hi everyone, I’m new to this group but have had my j pouch for 14 years.  I’m wondering if anyone can share their experience with having a bowel resection with a mature j pouch.

I experienced a small bowel obstruction with volvulus (strangulation of intestine) at the end of June randomly after a really great run with my j pouch.  I had to have emergency surgery and 75cm of my ileum right above my pouch was removed. My recovery has been challenging and I had to be admitted to hospital two subsequent times for pain, fever and infection.  Since my last discharge from hospital (10 days ago) I have not seen much improvement and my output is crazy! I’m not sure what to do as I usually take Metamucil but haven’t restarted it since everything for fear of obstruction.  As well, due to hospitalizations and many antibiotics, I acquired and have since completed treatment for C. difficile, so I was told no loperamide for now.

Can anyone share their experience with this recovery process, timing, output, symptoms etc?

I appreciate your time!

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Do you have a temporary ileostomy while your intestines heal? I had Jpouch surgery 24 yrs ago and had a redo 9 yrs ago. Hospitalized for a month due to leak and infection.  But both times I had a temporary ileostomy while I healed. I think the two step surgery is easier on our bodies. Harder on your mental state though, at least for myself. 

As far as your high output, is it just like all liquid? What are you eating?  Try the no fiber at all diet. Rice, bread, pasta, meat, and the like. Very little dairy. Add in eggs, yogurt, potatoes and cooked carrots, smooth cooked veggies a little at a time. No soda or sugar. Hope this helps! Keep hydrated most of all. 

Maybe you have short bowel syndrome? I think my food goes through me too fast now also. What is out there to slow down the digestion? Fiber just makes more go more often. 

Thank you so much for your response BarbieG!

I didn’t get a temporary ileostomy. They removed the dead intestine and reattached to my existing pouch. I have since been in the hospital for high output and dehydration. They scoped me and did a MRI. Looks like I have acute on chronic pouchitis with further monitoring about a defect in the pouch...I will be followed by surgery. I will ask them about options should I need a redo and I completely agree, an ileostomy is better for healing but hard for me mentally.

In terms of food, I have been low residue, will try and get more protein though. I have been relying on eggs because im not much of a meat eater.  Do you eat all meat? I haven’t noticed any foods better at bulking than others at this point...I’m thinking short bowel syndrome as well.  

Again, thank you for providing some insight. This has been quite the battle particularly because I was so healthy prior to the obstruction. I find that hard on me mentally.




I try to eat good now, but when I cheat, there is always a penalty! I eat a half a Dave’s cinnamon bagel with cream cheese in the morning with a huge cup of coffee w half & half & Splenda. Lunch I have a Greek yogurt & Propel water. Sometimes I’ll eat a PB & J sandwich & a banana. Yes, I eat meat most everyday. I think it digest slower for myself. Dinner I usually cook chicken, pork, beef or fish / shrimp. Have a starch, like rice, potatoes or pasta & a romaine lettuce salad. Some cooked smooth veggies. Salad usually does make my output more intense. A steak & baked potato digest the best in my Jpouch.  If I feel like I’m getting a blockage, I’ll eat the homemade potato soup. I eat pretzels nuggets everyday too. My guilty snack. If I really want to get punished, I’ll eat jalapeño potato chips or corn chips & hot salsa. Love them!  Pizza kills my stomach but I love it too. I feel like the acid in my system is too much for my Jpouch. I take Pepto & Tums. But I still have diarrhea. After I’ve eaten, my food is digested within 2 -3 hours. The less I eat the better I feel. But you have to eat! 

Good luck with your recovery. When can you start taking Imodium or Pepto to help slow output? 

Pepto slows down the digest & diarrhea a little. I usually only take one caplet at a time unless I’m eating something risky then I take 2 caplets. I get heartburn often, I guess from not eating much and it helps too. Beware it turns you bowels black and your tongue if you hold it on your tongue too long. Comes off though. 

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