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My friends I have a j pouch since March 1997.  I have had problems eliminating stool for over 2 years and have gone for physical therapy for over one year for muscles which aid in elimination and several treatments of biofeedback, all to no avail.  Went to the best Gastro doctors and was told I cannot be helped which was agreed by two other doctors.  All of a sudden last week I was unable to eliminate stool at all, only liquids with help of Miralax that was recommended to help me eliminate and I have taken for a long time, thank God, had helped me thus far. I took an ex-ray known as ct abd with IV with contrast which showed my j pouch was fine, my doctor said it was in better shape than ever. He feels the problem is eliminating as much as possible including some hard stool which I have done all this time by taking miralax  now twice a day instead of once for five days, I will start tomorrow. Just wonder if any of you have experienced all of these problems.

Thank you and look forward to your always great advice if you have experienced all of this.


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It sounds like a partial obstruction. You should use the forum's search function to look it up, there were several posts about it in the past.

The standard procedure for examining the small intestine is an MRI Sellink, if you want to find narrowed sections. You have to drink about 1 liter of a contrast agent before the scan. The scan works with a magnetic field, not X-ray.

What did your doctor say about your small intestine? Any widened or narrowed portions? Strictures of the small intestine are a typical problem for people with a Crohn's desease. But some j-pouchers also get one at the pouch inlet.

If your stool gets too hard, as a general advice you may try psyllium husk and increase your fluid intake to make it softer.

@MIKEEY Hi - I just got out of the hospital for a small bowel obstruction that resolved without surgery, but I came home with a new problem - impacted feces due to a combination of factors - a gastric bleed caused by the NG tube I had in the hospital, the large amount of opioid medication they administered with the pain that kept coming throughout my 4 day hospital stay, and the constipating effect of the contrast study done while I was in the hospital. I am currently taking Miralax daily and alternating days between administering rectal suppository and Fleet enemas to fix the problem. Not Fun - but it's working and it's better than having the problem. Let us know if you find a solution that works well for you.

Hi Seattle Jane- I did respond a few minutes ago but had problems, so don't know if you got my response.  I am so sorry to hear all that you have been through and so hope you are doing much better.

I am holding my own, doing okay.  My doctor wanted me to try a mini catheter that water goes into rectum, I saw it on you tube.  I am very apprehensive about this and don't think I would be able to do it.

Take good care and God Bless, Regards, Mikey


Thank you so much for your response. It's good to hear you are holding your own, that's promising, but it doesn't sound as though you are doing great. I have never heard of a mini catheter with water that goes into the rectum, but if it will work to clear things out, and your doctor suggested it, I encourage you to brave and try it if you possibly can manage a solid try. Trust me, I know how rude this stuff is! I had never used a rectal suppository before the day before yesterday, didn't even know such a thing existed, but I summoned up my courage and went for it, and followed up a day later with a Fleet enema. It took both strategies to clear a very stuck problem that would have likely sent me back to the hospital if it hadn't cleared, so as rude as it might have been, I am dang grateful and would do it again in a heartbeat when needed.

Whatever you do, I am rooting for you!

Mikey, would that be a Foley catheter? Plastic tube with mysterious holes at one end? If so, have a search here – there are a few threads on the topic.

(This didn’t work for me, although other people have had great success with it. I found the catheter blocked up almost instantly.)

Another possibility, which I personally find much easier, is a warm water enema. The easy way to do this is to buy a bottle of Fleet bowel prep, pour out the Fleet liquid, and use the enema bottle with lukewarm water.

It’s a bit of a hassle at first. I find I have to lie on my side, not great on a cold winter morning on the bathroom tiles! Hope you can find something that works for you.

I have found that I go through times when I need the warm water enema and times when I don’t.

Hello Kashami-I don't know I have never seen it.  I am doing better with just adding sweet potatoes to my diet, it seems they help me.  I guess I will see what my doctor wants me to do.  I am not well at all with so many other problems, I am 79 and I cant even believe it.

Thank you so much for reaching out to me.

Best Regards, Michael

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