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I just spent two days in the hospital with a bowel obstruction, Fluids and IV Morphine cleared it up.  I passed all the stuff that I thought was the obstruction at the hospital.  I think it is all clear now.  I hadn't eaten since Friday at dinner.  Had clear liquids for breakfast today and soft foods for lunch (3 hours ago) and so far I haven't had to go to the bathroom again.  My stomach is still really distended and tender.  Should I be concerned?  I'm not cramping and don't feel nauseous.  I'm just wiped out from the whole hospital stay.


Any advice would be appreciated.  

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I've sadly had 11 of these since august, so feel like a bit of a pro at this point...I'm surprised your diet was advanced so fast. When I was in hospital, it was 1-2 days NPO, 1-2 days only clear fluids, 1-2 days full fluids, then finally soft foods. Maybe you are eating too much too soon? Try switch to liquids for a few days. I recall the pain and bloating hanging around after the obstruction cleared. My surgeon explained it to me like the bowel has been in a fight, so it is swollen and bruised. 

Hope things get better for you soon-they suck!

If you are able to pass flatus (gas), you’re probably ok, but I would agree that backing off on the food for now is smart, and staying on clear liquids for a day or two is helpful to make sure your distension fully resolves. When you are no longer bloated, you could start with a soft/bland diet first, and make sure you are still going regularly. But bloating is a reason to back off. 

The next, less pleasant, question is: why did you have an obstruction? It could be something you ate and didn’t chew enough; it could be adhesions; it could be something more serious. As long as you can get back to normal and don’t have another episode soon, it was probably just food, but worth paying attention.

I say this from unfortunate experience. I had repeated partial small bowel obstructions and intolerance of insoluble fiber of any kind—carrots, kale, broccoli, romaine, all the serious veggies, even when I blended them in a nutribullet—for a year and a half. Turns out it was because I had a chronic leak from my j-pouch that caused massive adhesions and inflammation of the jejunum, so many foods (anything not fully chewed, anything with insoluble fiber) couldn’t pass. Once that was removed and the repair had healed, I got all those foods, even popcorn, back without problems. It’s a huge relief to be able to eat more than ice cream and broth reliably!

Good luck!

Thank you for your replies.  I didn't check back for answers and ate soup for dinner.  I'm pretty good today.  The distention has decreased by at least 50% and I'm not nauseous.  My hospital stay was not good.  The hospitalist was a complete idiot.  My IV came out accidentally on Sunday.  I had passed a very little amount of stool by then and the obstruction was beginning to clear but not cleared.  I was drinking hot tea by then. For whatever reason they tried three times to get an IV back in and couldn't (my veins are really easy, so not sure why this happened).  Doctor says let's leave the IV out and just drink fluids to keep hydrated.  I had about half a glass of water and the pain came roaring back.  It took about an hour to get the PIK line team (IV specialists) to get the IV in, I was down the line for treatment.  Pretty miserable.  When I was in pain and waiting for the IV team, the nurse asked if I wanted an oxy.  I said no I can't have that it's constipating and I also can't eat or drink anything with this obstruction.  After I got morphine and could have a discussion again, I asked her if the doctor had really written that I could be on oral pain meds.  She said yes.  I said that's dangerous.  So I'm very happy to be out of the hospital and will not be returning to that hospital for care.  So, I'm going to lay low for a couple of days until my stomach feels better and not so sore.  I'm going to follow up with my GI doc this week and will see where the obstruction was and why.  No one really gave me a straight answer.  The past few obstructions were caused by baby carrots.  I can eat a couple of them but can't eat a half a bag I've had four obstructions that have required ER trips since 1998.  One required surgery but again, I think it was because the care was poor in the hospital.  

I had both popcorn and shredded coconut prior to this obstruction so I'm not sure if that combo was a bad idea or not.  I was also probably a little dehydrated too which I dont' think is helps anything.  That was another issue that I had to address with the doctor.  After a day I said I'm dehydrated and dying of thirst.  I don't think you're giving me enough fluids.  I need more fluids.  So they pushed a liter of fluids that night (within an hour or two) and that's when the obstruction started to clear.  I'm pretty sure had this been my first obstruction, I would have gone to surgery because the medical care was so awful.  

Popcorn, coconut, carrots (even baby ones), hard nuts (almonds and walnuts particularly), mushrooms, and fibrous veggies (celery, kale, broccoli...) are high risk. It might just have been that you ate these high risk foods, didn’t chew well, and they got stuck.

Once you are back to normal, might try avoiding these or focusing on chewing them really, really well first. Unlike other foods, these don’t break down that well in the stomach and small bowel, and they can cause blockage very easily.

It may be that you don’t need anything except a bit of caution when eating... wouldn’t that be nice compared to more procedures! But if you are getting obstruction even with less risky foods, there is a reason and it probably needs to be found. 

Good luck!

Must be the week for SBO.  I went in a week ago and was admitted with an SBO.  I refused an NG and said I could manage with just IV fluids and walking.  Within 24hours I was passing stool.  Home on day 3.  Well....4 days after that I was back at square one in the ER.  This time I succumbed to the dreaded nose hose as the surgeons felt that the first obstruction never fully resolved.  Back up on the surgical unit, horrid tube in, morphine for pain, feeling miserable.  Happy to say I arrived home yesterday evening.  Still not hungry and a little nauseated I’ll be doing the soft diet thing for at least a couple of weeks while I get my energy back.  The only cause of this obstruction, in my opinion, is adhesions.  

In ER and hospital constantly for SBO.  No end in sight.  I am told it is because of adhesions and scarring.  Eight abdominal surgeries and just trying hard to stay out of surgery.  Been told it is too risky to operate again.  Been off for 4 mths, three admissions and finally back at work.  4 hours per day to start.  Wish me luck my friends.

Wishing all of you the very best!!




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