My specialist did a scope on Monday. Half of my pouch is terribly inflamed and bloody. Has anyone heard of this before?
I had the j pouch connection done 4 years ago now. Right from the start I needed a pad or folded up toilet paper because of leakage. I still need to do this. I have bad diarrhea all the time when I go to the toilet, and the odour is quite bad too. And often I pass blood, quite a lot sometimes. I often feel a little sick. Kind of expect a stomach ache to hit any minute but it doesn't quite get there. I just feel ill and pass a lot of blood when I feel like this.
Last year I was in hospital from feeling so sick. They put me on anti biopics and pro biotics. At first I noticed a big difference. My 'doings' were solid. For the first time in a long time. And no odour either. But when the drug prescription ran out everything went back to what I now consider normal.
I go to the toilet 12+ times a day, that's including a couple times during the night. And this week there is a lot of blood and illness feeling.
I've started drinking Turmeric and ginger tea for it's anti inflammatory properties. I don't work at the moment so I can't really buy much in the way of drugs.
My specialist wants me to go see him but I can't afford it. He seems to think I need to go back on some strong drugs that I had when I was first battling UC. He also seems bewildered by half of the pouch being inflamed and not the other half.
Has anyone experienced this?