I had my pouch surgery nearly 25 years ago. I hadn’t seen my surgeon or any doctors about it since about a year after. Things were going great. About 2 years ago, I started getting pain and bleeding (red) with most bowel movements for a few days, then it would be ok for a few, then start up again. I found a new GI (living in a new city now). She did a pouchoscopy and diagnosed me with anal fissures. We tried treating them for a year and nothing got better. She referred me to a surgeon who says they aren’t fissures, but there may be some ulceration back there. She’s suggesting an exam under anesthesia and possible Botox injections to help deal with the pain. Is this a thing? I’d never heard of Botox for this, and it doesn’t sound very good. It sounds like a way to manage symptoms, but not really fix the problem.