An advance welcome to the club, ashbre. I have a BCIR, which is similar in construction and function to the K pouch. In a few words, this procedure allows me to have an essentially normal lifestyle. There is no leakage (stool or gas), no odor, and no one knows I have it, even when I wear tight fitting clothes, since I cover the stoma with a thin patch. I can eat almost anything I want (but make sure to chew it well), empty the pouch at my convenience 4-5 times a day and have a completely normal sex life. When out and about, I have a catheter, stoma cover and a small amount of lube with me in case I need to empty the pouch. When you feel “fullness”, similar to a full bladder, you will know it’s time to empty, but there is no urgency to do it right away.
After your surgery, you will be given a time schedule for emptying your pouch, starting with every 2 hours and then increasing it over the next month or so. This allows your pouch to expand to its full size and it is very important to follow it. I had several bouts of pouchitis during my first 3 months and it was controlled by antibiotics. I also had some valve leakage and skin irritation around my stoma during this period, but this has all gone away. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids (about 80 ounces per day) to prevent dehydration and have your feritin (iron) and B-12 levels checked by your PCP regularly. Be sure to post any other questions you have and feel free to send me a PM. RELAX! This is a great procedure and you will be fortunate to have it.