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I had my take down 6/30/14. When can I expect my BM's to decrease to the 5-10 BM my dr said would be normal? I am slowing decreasing by nowhere near the 5-10. I also have accidents everyday as my BM's come on quickly. I also seem to have to go immediatley when I stand from sitting? Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal? I do the excerises daily to help strengthen my muscles. I feel like I'm back to having UC again with having so many BM's a day except I don't have the stomach pain. I also have a lot of gas. Is this normal? Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks for any advice or comments.
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Two weeks out, this sounds pretty typical. Expect very gradual improvement and a noticeable change by around the 3 month mark.

Are you taking any bowel slowers or adjusting your diet? I was taking maximum dose Imodium as soon as I was allowed to eat, but it was still a lot of frequency. But, I had no full blown accidents. Just a little leakage here and there.

Jan Smiler
thanks everyone for the comments, these are very helpful. I don't feel so alone now. I'm a teacher and was hoping to get back to work at the end of August so I was wondering when to expect things to slow down a bit. Had a much better day/night yesterday with only 10 BM the day before 12 so I am slowy making progress. Now if I could just get rid of the incontience. This is the only thing that could stop me from going back to work. I have been off work since last May (2013) and I am ready to get back to "normal". I using 2 immodium in morning and 2 at dinner. This has seem to slow things down a bit. Still eating the low fiber/low residue diet. Which is very boring and bland but don't want to change since I am starting to make progress. Any other tips/advice would be appreciated.

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