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I am awaiting surgery and my surgeon has me taking Cipro and Flagyl when needed, five day doseages, but the last couple times I've take C/F I am getting blotches on my upper chest. It is not itchy per se, and not a full cover, but after I took C/F last night, this morning I had them again.

I have a call into the doctor, but is it okay to just stop taking C/F after one dose? Does it cause problems? Does anyone else have issues like this from C/F and do you stop taking them or continue?

For now I am not taking second dose until I hear. I guess I could be allergic to either Cipro OR Flagyl?

Thank you!
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The last time I took flagyl I got a rash much like what you're describing ... it was strange because I'd taken flagyl numerous times before that without that reaction. Since I was at the tail end of the treatment, my doctor just sort of shrugged it off ... after that he had me take just cipro.

I think waiting for a (hopefully quick!) response from your doctor is the way to go... Good luck!
You could have an allergy, though since you take both together, it's difficult to know which one is causing the issue. According to my previous GI, most people tolerate cipro better than flagyl (though not so in my case - it's the cipro that makes me feel really crappy), so that might give you a clue. That being said, since both of these meds are commonly prescribed pre and post op as they target different types of bacteria, you need to report your symptoms so you can work out an appropriate treatment plan. In some cases, if your doctor approves, you can continue taking the meds along with benadryl to stop the allergic reaction, if the reaction is mild. It sounds like a mild reaction in your case. Also keep in mind that much of the time, side effects go away or improve after a few days. One thing you could do, if you can't get your doctor in a timely manner, is to talk to the pharmacist or perhaps a clinic nurse. They might better be able to advise you what to do until your doc has a chance to review the problem.

Otherwise, you'll need to sit tight and wait to hear what your doctor suggests. That being said, if you're worried and the reaction is really bad, since you've only taken one dose you could probably stop it for now without any ill effects, until you receive further instructions.
Yes, this sounds like a drug rash. Since you are taking two antibiotics, you do not know if it is one or the other, or it is the combination that is the problem (meaning, you could possibly take either one separately without issue).

Yes, DO NOT take more before hearing from your doctor. Drug rash is one of the side effects that they do not recommend continuing the medication because it is a sign of allergy, not just side effects. If you continue a medication when there is an allergic reaction, it could worsen to something more serious.

Jan Smiler
Thanks, everyone. I talked with my doctor's office and they were okay with me continuing the treatment.

However, I'd recommend anyone with similar issues to not just automatically continue, but talk with your doctor! As Jan and the rest have indicated, it can be pretty bad if it is an allergy!

I took another dose at lunch time and 5 hours later, the blotches are subsiding.

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