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I agree. You should go to hospital. Try to go to the same Hospital where you had surgery. It could be vitamin if it's time-release tablet. I take chewable Forvia. You may want to look into it.
Why would a time release cause a blockage?
Time release capsules are designed to break down very slowly, over "time". You need to go to the ER as it sounds like you do have an obstruction. Have you tried all of the home remedies yet? Walking, massage, drinking hot coffee (always worked for me). If you are in severe pain and have not passed gas for 3-4 hours it is time to get going.
Hospital. Now. Good luck.
Wow! I don't think it is advisable to start your own IV hydration. most folks don't have that sort of self treatment at their disposal. If things are that advanced, yes you need to be in the ER.
Glad you are here to tell us about it, but again, wow!
The lesson I took from this story is "don't try your own IV even if you *do* have medical training." That self-administered IV caused a delay that led to a bowel perforation. I admire the spirit behind it, but it turned out rather poorly. That abdomen now has *lots* more adhesions than before that adventure.
Most obstructions eventually clear up on their own if it's just kinked bowel. The ER visit can seem unnecessary if all they do is keep you hydrated. They're usually pretty good, though, at figuring out when things get bad enough to require emergency surgery.
Sorry that I haven't been on to reply to posts. To catch everyone up I headed the hospital. I can't go to my surgeons hospital because he is In Boston and I"m now in Denver. I headed to the hospital though where my previous GI is based out out. It was good 40 minute drive which scared me. Twenty minutes into though I finally went to the bathroom and have never been so happy in my life. After that I went 3 or 4 more times and completely was cleaned out. It was weird because I thought I had a blockage. Before I had one with my stoma and went to the hospital via ambulance. All of the signs were there this time as well. I'm happy though everything passed and I seem to be okay right now. Thank you for all your input, very appreciated. The IV at home is scary though, unless you have a nurse as a wife or something.
Thank goodness your ok