glad he is feeling better. curious was he bloated at all?
to my mind, there are several things that indicate a blockage. first it starts without passing stool or gas. since I like to believe my superpower is pooping on demand this in and of itself is alarming. after all who wants to lose their superpower? second I begin to bloat as things back up. then peristalsis insistent beast that it is, starts creating waves of pain coincident with peristalsis trying to make its way through. and finally sometimes I vomit, and this is a curious instance because sometimes that violence actually shakes loose the obstruction, other times, it reminds me how miserable I am and that I now have the sign that I need to lace up my shoes and get to the ER. my surgeon used to advise, vomiting dark bile like substances for sure is an emergent situation.
as you peruse the subject of obstructions or blockages on here you will discern there are various explanations from food intake, to adhesions/strictures. good to see if you can ferret out the underlying cause as candidly they have to amongst the most miserable things that our bodies can endure.