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I have a question about adhesions. My daughter had a blockage last night that resolved after 4 hours of pain. Her surgeon did a pouch revision in May of this year to change the inlet to her pouch since she had many many strictures at the old inlet which led to blockages over and over. She has been feeling pretty good, aside from pouchitis since May until last night. She had a few abdominal cramps before lunch and thought it maybe premenstrual. Then she ate a bigger than usual amount of food for lunch, but nothing she hasn't eaten before, just a large amount of it. She felt full afterwards but not blocked and was going to the bathroom as usual. Then before dinner she felt a little funny. She ate dinner and then about an hour later she was blocked. Nothing passing through, not even gas. She was distended, but not as bad as when she had the stricture and her bowel sounds were not as loud. She threw up her dinner 2 hours into the blockage.She tried rocking her hips in the air and a warm water enema and a warm bath and the heating pad and walking. Finally, after 4 hours of pain it resolved and she started going again, a lot.

Are blockages from adhesions like that? Her ob/gyn said her ultrasound (she had to have one since she has fluid in her pelvis area from time to time) said she has a lot of adhesions from all the abdominal surgeries she has had.

Any ideas? Thank you!
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Sorry to hear she had this blockage and wonderful to hear she is doing better. They did a small bowel study to see if my adhesions were causing problems. I drank the horrid barium and the radiologist had me move to different positions as he looked for any signs or narrowing or whatever and there were none. I think they can also tell from CTscans.

I'm not fond of all the radiation involved in these tests. Maybe she didn't chew her food as long as she usually does or something she ate was the culprit. It sounds like she's a real pro at home treating obstructions Wink
Hope she is doing better by now. I have had several bowel obstructions - one before my takedown, 2 after and 1 that cleared without a hospital trip. I have heaps of adhesions but the surgeon said over time they tend to soften up. Someone here suggested when it first happens stop all solid food and drink grape juice. That worked for me when I had the last one that cleared. Now I keep at box of grapejuice on hand just in case! All the best.
Hope that she is feeling better takes a couple of days for the soreness, pain and fear to subside...
She may want to start every meal with a large glass of water or grape juice or warm liquids to ease the digestive tract into its functions then take sips every few bites to make sure that the stool is liquidy and loose going through her if she has a narrowing...I have found that some blockages can be resolved with yoga or other stretching movements...(NOT all)...mild jumping or bouncing on the balls of the feet helps too (those mini trapolines work fine)and generally everything that she did plus anything else that she can think of...when I was a kid and suffering terribly from blocages (a narrowing at the old colostomy sight) I would massage my abdomen with seemed to help.
Also regular abdomenal massages with oil can help in a general manner too.
Give her some hugs.

Just a thought, be mindful of the foods/the combinations of foods she is eating and meds she might be taking to slow things down. I know eating something thats already a binding/slowing food like pasta and taking something to slow things down or to help bulk things up can cause problems. Drink plenty, eat small meals and if things don't budge she could take something to soften things up (check ok with surgeon first)

Hope this helps,

Lou Smiler

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