My daughter had a scope and the results
were mild inflammation in the cuff
Eosinophils in the pouch. The surgeon
said over all it looked healthy.No fissures, hemmeroids, hematomas, no sign of Crohns and no signs of inflammation but have the GI look it over.
She has had intermitten bleeding since takedown and now her knees have been hurting again. Her knee pain disappeared after her colectomy. He dialated a small stricture and said he thought that was causing the blood. But after six days the blood is back.
Our GI came back from vacation and looked at
the biopsies and put her on Proctofoam. After three days she began to bleed more so they said stop administering it. the GI then wrote a prescription for Cipro.
Why? Does she have pouchitis? Are her
knees hurting because of the eosinophils?
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