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I am experiencing heavy amount of bleeding from j pouch since 15 days for that took metronidazole 400 mg twise daily for 3 days but was no efect on bleeding then switched to Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twise a day and metronidazole 400 mg thrice a day from 5 days there is decrease in bleeding since then but still having bleeding some time when having motion. I would like to discuss my history i did have bleeding initialy after 15  days of my j pouch was created and same treatment was given by my surgeon. I want to ask do any one have experience with bloody stool even after surgery i have experience it 3 times and given treatment in period of 1.5 year after surgery. It would be very helpful if someone advise me 

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It can be a case of cuffitis as mentioned by scott or even a fissure . My surgeon adviced me not to try to hard to get things out of the pouch. Its not like a real rectum. If there's a pain in your abdomen it could be cuffitis if only the bottom part pains you may just have fissure. Try switching to a soft diet for a few days and see what is cause or recurring blood. You can keep going on higher doses of meds but thats not a long term solution . Try finding out the root cause. Also I drink wheatgrass juice to keep my Hb levels steady . You can give that a try too.

Last edited by Raj

Not always the bleeding is because of cuffitis, because some surgeons decide to remove every inch of rectal cuff and the last 1 cm to remove the mucosa (mucosectomy); so that there are just some remaining cells of rectum. This is my case, my surgeon always told me that I have no more inches of colon/rectum now. Probably that's the same case of the fellow who opened the thread, I think it because his doctor prescribed always antibiotics, which is the treatment for pouchitis. The bleeding in pouchitis is not a symptom which happens always, but can happen . 

Last edited by Ikh

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