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Hello I am new to the site. My daughter is 12
And had a j pouch formed in March. We have been through several hospitalization and complications over the last 17 months. We hoped that the j pouch would stop the bleeding and she could finally return to a semi normal life. But she has had blood on and off since surgery. She had an Ileus after the second surgery, a twisted bowel after he first surgery, hematoma after the second surgery, and a PSC diagnosis all during this time. Has anyone had bleeding on and off? It doesn't seem consistent just once a week or so. I called and left a message for he doctor but we are confused why she would be bleeding? She says she doesn't feel bad but isn't a complainer when it does come to pain.
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I did, but it was cuffitis (inflammation of the rectal cuff). It is basically UC in the retained rectum. The bleeding would come and go, was not severe, but was associated with some urgency and diarrhea.

Her doc could tell from a simple digital exam. The rectal cuff would feel bumpy and he might bring out some blood.

Jan Smiler
Thanks Endi. I will ask about cuffitis.
I hope the Canasa will work we tried them
Before surgery and it didn't help much.
She says once in a while it hurts
To sit for long periods of time and has
had some leakage at night but is
still using the bathroom 7 times
a day and 1 or 2 times a night. She is 3 months out from her j pouch formation.
My GI doctor prescribed Canasa because i complained of burning pain , diarrhea and bleeding.He ordered blood and stool test which i had completed yesterday. He said that during the procedure of sigmoidoscopy he did i had an inflamed rectum . Part of my rectum was removed from the surgery but that part of the inflammed rectum stays.
Canasa helps a little bit but i still have bleeding with my bowel esp. if i have to sit moving my bowel for awhile.
When do you know when to stand from sitting in the bowl?I felt i am done but right after i washed my hands i have the urge again to sit there and wait for another 7 minutes. Is this normal? I do not want to sit long because i am trying to avoid having hemorrhoid and the longer i sit there more blood comes out.
I am flying to Kansas to see my son and stay there for awhile but i am not sure how to manage batroom on the airplane. Any suggestions? Please help me...
I wish I could help more
We too are dealing with this
and are waiting for the scope.
My daughter too has complained of some
burning but we thought that maybe
it was the butt burn everyone
talks about. We are trying to figure
Out why she has intermitten blood
that comes and goes. Does yours come and
go?It sounds like you have seen the doctor,
Was it cuffitis?
My GI is never concerned if I have small amounts of intermittent bleeding. I experience this on and off along with having a chronically inflamed cuff which is manageable as of late with no rectal meds. He does, however, take biopsies every year due to the chronic inflammation. Hope that helps ease some of your concerns.
I have heard of a procedure that one of the larger hospitals in Cleveland does for people with recurring cuffitis. I think it is called a "mucosectomy". Maybe others can chime in on this who know more about it than I do. The only problem is that there is a risk of incontinence. But I think because this hospital is so experienced and does so many of them, the risk is really small. Basically, it is where the doctor removes the cuff area that is becoming inflamed and attaches the j-pouch directly to the rectal muscles. But many people do travel to Cleveland for this procedure.

Honestly, though, if it is cuffitis, it is so easily treated these days; I don't think you'll need to resort to that. Medicines like canasa suppositories aren't highly effective when you have your whole colon, but when all you have to treat is that small cuff area, they usually work really well.

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