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Hi. I have written many times about my failing Jpouch. I am almost constantly on Flagyl or Augmentin with little help now. My stool looks great; semi formed and soft, but the frequency is insane. Last evening from 6 until 6 a.m. 9 BMs. At least 1 every night is incontinence of complete BM (usually two). I awaken frequently with burning anal pain. I bleed just inside and outside the anus. I have had fissures for a long time with such frequency. Very itchy as well as burning. I have used countless creams and barriers as well as Diltiazem. Nothing works. My scope showed inflammation, dilatation and elongated blind loop. I am scheduled in April for a functional MRI. I wasam not a fan of the ileostomy bag, but it is looking pretty good at this point.

Any thoughts? Thanks.


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