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I've been experiencing blacking out when I stand up from sitting or laying down. I usually can hang on to a wall until I come too bit this week I have fallen twice, once in the bathtub and last night getting up too use the restroom. I'm blacking out completely and can't remember anything and feel myself shaking when I come too.

I'm scared I'm going to really hurt myself. Has anyone experienced this. I'm four months post op from my takedown.

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There is some sort of trick if I remember well...something like singing the words to a simple song (happy birthday for exaple...min 23 secs.) when changing have to move slowly and concentrate on first lowering your feet to the floor, then raising your body and then finally working to the standing position...the most dangerous changes in position are standing up after sitting on the toilet (we tend to think that because it hasn't been that long we can just pop up) and getting out of the bath (not only have you been sitting for a while but in hot water! and we are coming up from a lower level. You need to move yourself slowly onto your knees then sit on the edge of the tub and finally swing those legs over the side...then stand up really slowly while holding onto something)...keeping a stable chair at the side of the tub could help too, it gives you something to slide onto and a sort of handle to stablise yourself...
As to the causes it can be anything from dehydration as Kathy said to low blood pressure on through to a dzn other causes...the first order for me is to make yourself safe and then call your doctor for bloodwork and an apt...
Sharon is your salt intake?
Thank you all for the responses. I definitely have to take it slow, I'm having these more and more. Dr has me getting blood work done this week. He says he thinks I might be anemic. I also thought about my salt levels coukd be low, I'm going to mention it to him.

Part of my daily regimen includes soaking in the bath to relieve some pain and pressure. O don't stand up anymore, that's for sure! I drain the bath low enough, do if I do pass out I won't drown, scary. I then climb out to a stool I put next to the bath.

I lost so much weight, when diagnosed on 2011 I weighed 157, right after my son was born. I now weigh 110 pounds and wearing size double 00 jeans. I can't seem to gain either since I still can't eat much and when I do, goes right through me.


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