Hi Lisa,
I was on Remicade for about the same amount of time that you have been. It had a nice effect the first few times, but after that, I really didn't notice a positive change. I had the option of trying Humira, but I was just so sick. When a colonoscopy showed that my inflammation was still really bad, my doctor recommended the surgery and for me, it wasn't a question of what to do.
(Disclaimer: I'm a scientist and have done a lot of research on this, so I apologize ahead of time if I ramble or am telling you what you already know

I have heard of people doing better on Humira than Remicade--and off the top of my head, I believe that Crohn's patients tend to show more responsiveness to Humira, but that might just be a conclusion drawn because more research has been done with Crohn's and Humira than UC and Humira. From a technical standpoint, since Humira is a human-based protein biologic, there are real reasons that it might work better Remicade, which is mouse-based. It's just so hard to predict how our very individualized immune systems are going to respond to a given therapy.
If I hadn't been so sick, I would have definitely have given Humira a try, but my symptoms were just so bad that I really didn't feel like I could handle (both physically and emotionally) another failed therapy.
Does your doctor plan on doing a scope to check how you are responding to Remicade?