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jeff is back in the hospital.  Hopefully, but doughtful, this will work.  The doctors are attempting to insert a biological plug through the drain, into the abscess, through the fistula and into the leak in his small intestine.  Apparently, this has not been done too often and with only a 20% success rate.  We are hoping for the best, but understand the reality.  And what a day to be in NYC.  Three attempted bombings, the entire NE Corridor train system shut down until this morning, and the UN meeting on the East side, not far from the hospital.  It's normally a zoo here but completely wild now!  We left home at 4:45 for a 9 am hospital time.  We got here at 6 am!  A bit early but I knew if we didn't get her by then, we were not going to get here.  More stress on an already stressful day.  If this plug does not solve the problem, Jeffrey said he will get a permanent Ostomy.  So there is a lot riding on this procedure.  He has been though so much, we all just want it to end.  

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Poucho, thank you so much for checking in. Jeff seems to be doing well. So far the plug as not failed. He saw IR on monday and they said so far things look good. He goes back in two weeks. We are being cautiously optomistic on this one. He is also off all the narcotics which is awesome!    It was really tough coming off the fentanal. That is one difficult drug. But immso proud of him for getting himself off all the junk. 

How are things with you?

Thank you everyone!  So far so good.  I'm afraid to be excited!  The setbacks feel so normal, how sick is that.  I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop but I'm so hoping that there are no more shoes being thrown at us.

poucho, I wish the best for you as well.  You really have been through the ringer as well.  If you come to NY let me know!


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