Has anyone had formal biofeedback therapy for pouch symptoms? I'd like to pick up some pointers.
Sometimes I can "force" myself to relax and cramps lessen considerably. (Stress the SOMETIMES - it doesn't always work.) Rapid breathing (like what you see women doing during labor) helps reduce spasms sometimes also, which I would put into the "biofeedback" camp.
My new Dr. is religiously anti-pain medication. To the point of being a nutjob. I'm no fan of opiates either, so I'm trying to see the up side of the situation, which is exploring other methods of pain control.
Dr. still has not referred me to pain specialist. Don't know why. He said he won't give me pain meds and SAID I should see a pain specialist, but seems content for me to be in pain. Reminders that he was going to give me a referral have not gotten a response yet.
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