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I currently have a j-pouch formed with the loop-ileo waiting for take down.

I'm just wondering how many people suffer or suffered from the urges, when it feels like you need to have a movement, sometimes possibly ridding some mucous and sometimes just sitting on the toilet for a few minutes with nothing coming out. Is there anything that can be done to ease the feeling of urges? It only really bothers me while I stand, when I'm sitting it's usually not noticeable. I spoke to my surgeon and she said she could correct the issue but it is fairly painful she told me. I'm due for reversal mid-late Sept, so it's not far off now, may just end up dealing with these urges until then.
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I experienced the same issues and received no medical treatment or intervention. Mine apparently we're not as frequent or bothersome as yours. I was just a little freaked out to learn that I still had UC, even after I lost my colon. But, I never had time to prepare or plan for losing my colon, as I ended up with an emergency colectomy.
i am also between surgeries 2 and 3

things have settled quite well for me now. i still discharge mucus every day or two.

I would often sit on the toilet for ages with nothing coming out except for a tiny bit of mucus.

whenever i have a scope or digital exam i notice this happens a lot more. it seems like anything stuck up the anus really irriates the area and it takes a week or two to settle down.

the good news is my surgeon says it all looks good up there so that puts me at ease.

the only probelm i hvae is a small sinus that came up on the pouchogram, i have no symptoms so its just a question of waiting a bit longer for reversal and hoping it heals on its own..
The scope isn't that bad, at least nothing to lose sleep over. You might get a bit of anal discomfort for a few days after, you might not. When I had the liquid inserted into the pouch it went straight up the bowel and into my bag so it's worth making sure your bag is empty before hand.

A sinus is a small wound/tract that's closed off at the end so not a full fistula. It's rare to get them, mine only got picked up by the pouchogram MRI which is a fairly new scan method. It might not have got detected a few years ago. Should just heal up on its own, if it doesn't there are certain things you can do to make sure the pouch will function and not get bacteria/stool stuck in the sinus.

My surgeon isn't too concerned at the moment but you just never know with these things

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