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I find it undetectable in greek yogurt.
I've given up on it. It did nothing to defeat the laws of physics in my case. I only wish I could have tried it when I had my colon though. But I have no problems downing VSL in a glass of chocolate soy milk.
Greek yogurt is fairly low in lactose, but you have to assess your own tolerance. I prefer to take an *appropriate* (for me) portion from a large container, and mix it in a bowl, rather than consuming a whole one of the "small" containers each time. I'm on a maximum dose of VSL, so I mix two DS packets into a modest amount of plain yogurt, along with a modest amount of fruit preserves (I do this twice daily). From my point of view the VSL vanishes completely.
I use a small serving of apple sauce to mix mine with, just enough to make it a paste.
I make juice for my husband, so he mixes it with the juice..
When I used it, I actually enjoyed it in a glass of vanilla almond milk (or soy, or whatever your vanilla preference).
In a protein fruit smoothie made with almond milk, Greek Yogurt and I've had it mixed into chocolate ice cream or applesauce. Since It's not a good thing to have ice cream daily I usually mix into the yogurt . If anything I think it makes food taste sweeter.