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I want to share this recipe I came up with when experimenting in my kitchen. I've had my J pouch 3 years now, and I REALLY wish I had these smoothies immediately after my surgery. When I came up with this, I wasn't intentionally trying to make something nutritious or helpful to my pouch in any particular way. I was just trying to come up with something that taste good. However, after I looked at the label on the black strap molasses and learned more about some of the other ingredients, I realized what a nutritional punch these things pack! When I drink this for breakfast, I feel more refreshed and hydrated than I do from other beverages. I don't even usually like bananas either, but I love these; they taste like gingerbread. I try to have one at least once every 2 days.

Equipment to Use:

Use an immersion blender and a 12 oz plastic cup that it'll fit into. It's a hand blender, you can stick directly into a cup. It's way more convenient and easier to clean than a regular blender. The cup I use is a 12oz beer cup from Yankee Stadium. Try to use a transparent cup so you can see if the smoothie is blending thoroughly.

Here's the Recipe: 

1/4 of a banana, frozen (I cut up bananas and keep them wrapped in plastic in my freezer),


1 TBS Vanilla or Plain Yogurt, depending on your preference. I've used both.


1 and 1/2 TBS Black Strap Molasses. (DO NOT use regular molasses. Black strap has a lot of B vitamins and iron that the regular one doesn't have and it taste better too.) A popular brand is Bur Rabbit. If you can't find it locally, it's available on Amazon.


Pinches of Cinnamon and Cloves to taste

Sweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, enough to fill the cup (probably about 6-7oz. You could use dairy milk if you prefer, but it doesn't taste nearly as good. I add about a TBS of sugar if I use dairy milk.


Place the bananas at the bottom of the cup, the yogurt on top of them, and the molasses on top of the yogurt, in that order. Sprinkle cinnamon and cloves on the molasses. Pour in just enough milk to cover everything, but DON'T fill the cup to the top, at this point as it would overflow. Blend with blender until it liquefies. Now fill the cup the rest of the way and blend it a little more.





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Originally Posted by mgmt10:
Thanks, I didn't even realize how beneficial the black strap molasses is, nutritionally, for people like us until I read the label. At first, I just used it because I preferred the taste and consistency. Also the cinnamon is beneficial for regulating blood sugar, the bananas have potassium, almond milk is good for protein and calcium, and the yogurt for it's probiotics. So it's about as healthy as you can get, especially for people with no colon.
Originally Posted by Gentle Now:

I'm going shopping today!  Thanks!

You might also want to try this with strawberries. Sometimes I use frozen strawberries instead of bananas and leave out the molasses and spices. With sweetened almond milk, it taste at least as good as products like strawberry Nesquick, but obviously much healthier. And definitely think about getting an immersion blender. It's so much easier to store and clean, than a traditional one. It's the best thing I bought. 

Started to take black strap molasses a week ago...trying to minimize as much "sugar" as switch to the b.s.m. when I need a kick.  I use it to take my fish oil liquid and in green tea.  Just made a beautiful loaf of banana bread with oat flour and b.s.m. and pumpkin.  Grandaughter loves it.  Going to make some for my dad over Easter.  He has an ileostomy.  So I'm always trying to find good goodies for him!  My mom always started using b.s.m. last week and she is finding that she is sleeping better.  Thanks for the smoothie recipe.  I will give it a "whirl".

Hi GraceB...I've never seen "red" strap molasses.  Here is the recipe for the banana bread.

2 eggs room temp

1/8 cup black strap molasses

1 tsp pure vanilla or vanilla bean

1/8 cup pure solid pumpkin puree

2 well riped bananas smashed

1/8 cup unsweetened applesauce

Mix all ingredients until well blended.

In another bowl add:

2 cups oat flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

sift together with fork. Add to banana ingredients. Blend well. 

Preheat over 340 degrees F. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes or until center comes out dry.  (You may need to cover bread after 30 minutes with foil if top is getting to burn)   ENJOY

Thanks for the Black Strap Molasses suggestion.  I make huge smoothies and a 12 oz one wouldn't work.  I have thought of using my immersion blender in the past and bet it does a good job. I've recently replaced our 10 year old Vitamix with a new BlendTech.  I just use it for making smoothies.  Since I've been making smoothies for over 3 years I have borrowed many blenders when staying the night at other's homes.  The regular blenders worked fine. I didn't like my daughter's Ninja one because of the huge spinning blade in the middle.  It's great for her as she uses it to make cookie dough and for other things I use a regular mixer for.  I liked my son's blender best .  My husband put the Vitamix away for use when he wants to make powdered sugar out of regular sugar,  peanut butter or other things - he rarely uses it for.


I make monster smoothies with unsweetend Almond milk, coconut water, PlantFusion protein powder, and all sorts of fruit.  It depends on what sounds good to me.  I always have a full banana and 2 cups of frozen fruit. The hint about freezing bananas is a good one. I get day old or clearance bananas sometimes.  I peal them and place them in one inch or so chunks on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray.  After they are frozen I put them in a gallon zip top freezer bag.  I buy fresh fruits to clean and freeze them too.  I mainly get already frozen fruits, except I use fresh apples. This cuts down on my need for ice.  I also put in spinach, kale or carrots and a fresh apple.  My newest thing is freezing seedless red grapes.  I don't like using fruit juices, as they are high in calories. I use, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, cherries, grapes, mango, pineapple and apples.


I found that you only need to use either pineapple or apples but not both at the same time.  Blueberries and Cherries are the best for covering the kale/spinach taste and don't need to be used.together either. I usually have at least 4 kinds of fruit in my smoothie a day. Carrots mix well with strawberries. I freeze fresh kale and spinach.  Pre frozen spinach taste was gross IMO.  If the kale comes triple washed and cut up nicely I just stick the bag straight into the freezer. 


When I want ice cream at night I mix chocolate PlantFusion powder with 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla Almond milk, a banana, tablespoon of peanut butter and some ice.  If I stick it in the freezer for 10 minutes or so it becomes more solid.  I also use an old plastic peanut butter jar and lid over and over again with smoothies.  I'll fill it with part of a smoothie and stick it in the freezer. It works better than setting in a glass filled with  smoothie. Then my husband or grandsons don't accidentally spill my smoothie


P.S. I add in ice most of the time too.

Last edited by TE Marie

Have you ever put fresh herbs into your smoothies?

I like a couple of mint leaves for sweet ones (chocolate mint???) or I use cilantro, parsley or basil in my salty ones (sort of a frozen gaspacho soup).

Also lemon, orange or lime rind to wonders to camoflage nasty vitamin or leaf veggie tastes as well as ginger (great if you have nausea) for a little kick...ginger, mint and orange are fantastic and passion fruit is a dominant flavour that can hide just about anything.

Here they use a lot of natural remedies and orange blossom water is great for tummy aches, nervousness, stress and depression...

Just ideas


Sounds very good and I will try this.  I also, make my smoothies mostly with banana and yogurt and vanilla.  I add spinach sometimes.  I also add walnuts or almonds.  I mix it up.  Never tried Black strap molasses.  I do have that.  I have a great marinade for chicken using black strap. 

Hi Grace,

There are a number of 'flower waters' that they use over here, Geranium, orange blossom and a few others that I can't remember at the moment.

They are extracts kind of like essential oils...

You can sometimes get them in specialty stores. It is sometimes call 'Mazar' and a few drops go a long way...they put a few drops in fruit salads, in hot water or tea or on a damp cloth that you can then put on your forehead when you have a headache.

They also drip a few drops onto a sugar cube and it gets sucked on for tummy aches.

Peppermint oil is used that way too...if you have any middle eastern shops around where you live or an exotic section in your local grocery store you should be able to find a bottle of it.

It tastes very nice and smells lovely



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