Hi everyone. In December of 2009 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. After trying every medication available over the course of near a decade and each one failing or making my condition worse, I had a total colectomy and J-Pouch creation done on June 30, 2016, followed by ileostomy takedown on August 29, 2016.
Since then, I've dealt with pain, cramps and discomfort daily. Gas bubbles cause a lot of pain, especially if I am not able to get to a bathroom within a few minutes. Cramps get really bad, to the point of tears some times. And I am in the bathroom so much, that I am no longer able to just use toilet paper, but have to use very specific baby wipes because my skin tears and bleeds and I hurt so bad that I can't sit down without nearly screaming.
The pain I end up in daily, I am becoming unable to manage it as well. I'm told that my face almost always has a grimace of pain on it. I haven't been able to get to a doctor, so the only way I have to manage pain is with Tylenol, and that is becoming more difficult. I'm allergic to opiate pain killers, including Percoset, Vicodin and Morphine. I've had it suggested that I try marijuana, but I'm not going to just do that without talking to a doctor and having a presctription and knowing what all of my options are.
Does anyone have any pain management suggestions that don't involve NSAIDS and opiates??
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