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Hi everyone. In December of 2009 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. After trying every medication available over the course of near a decade and each one failing or making my condition worse, I had a total colectomy and J-Pouch creation done on June 30, 2016, followed by ileostomy takedown on August 29, 2016.

Since then, I've dealt with pain, cramps and discomfort daily. Gas bubbles cause a lot of pain, especially if I am not able to get to a bathroom within a few minutes. Cramps get really bad, to the point of tears some times. And I am in the bathroom so much, that I am no longer able to just use toilet paper, but have to use very specific baby wipes because my skin tears and bleeds and I hurt so bad that I can't sit down without nearly screaming.

The pain I end up in daily, I am becoming unable to manage it as well. I'm told that my face almost always has a grimace of pain on it. I haven't been able to get to a doctor, so the only way I have to manage pain is with Tylenol, and that is becoming more difficult. I'm allergic to opiate pain killers, including Percoset, Vicodin and Morphine. I've had it suggested that I try marijuana, but I'm not going to just do that without talking to a doctor and having a presctription and knowing what all of my options are. 

Does anyone have any pain management suggestions that don't involve NSAIDS and opiates??

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Yes Kratom, it works wonderfully for my pain. It's just ground up leaves, and the leaves are anti inflammatory, anti diarrheal, and they hit opioid receptors in the brain. I'm not sure if it's legal where you live, but you can look online if you're interested. Many web sites sell it. I think it's less addictive than any kind of opiate but it can be addictive if you over-do it. Also try using a perennial irrigation bottle and squirt your anus off after you use the bathroom. I had the same problem you do, and it helps me alot. Ive dealt with a poorly functioning j pouch for the past 13 years, and I have an average of 13 bowel movements a day without medication or herbal supplements.

Hello, Seirla. The special squirt bottle will help a lot to heal butt burn. On Amazon it's the cheapest price anywhere. You can take it with you when way from home. At home, if possible, try one of those "toilet bidet" attachments. It attaches onto your existing toilet and uses warm and cold water to rinse your bottom after every BM. It has saved me 100 times over. I never use toilet paper alone -- that always leads to residue which leads to raw burning skin an hour later. Amazon or specialty stores. Have you tried taking a super enzyme to help with gas? Super enzyme helps digest carbs, which can cause gas. I take a probiotic everyday to keep the level of good bacteria in my gut. I hope the marijuana helps you. 

Hi, I am from the UK.

I was diagnosed last March 2016. Had J pouch fitted July 2016 as ployps were progressing and stoma bag removed in January 2017.

I have never been able to bring wind up by burping and have been in agony for months with pains and gas as I can not pass wind unless i use the bathroom.

I can use legally use marijuana here and I am already on 25mg of morphine patches daily an they no longer work for me.

Does the super enyzeme work as I have never heard of this but would try anything to ease this pain.

Any help or reply would be appreciated.

Also I am undergoing further tests for pains to makesure all is ok.. as i also bleed my period from the back passage.

Have you any further issues this could also be linked too?  Incase you may need further testing also.


I don't have a lot of advice, but am very sorry you are going through this. 

Sierla - try to get to a doc. The bidet saves me daily. I probably go an average of 10 to 13 times daily and would never be able to handle that if I couldn't clean up after every BM. 

KITA- again, I think a good doc could help. The bleeding out of the rear end is troubling and needs to be looked into.

Best of wishes to both of you��

Sorry in first msg I meant I **can't** legally use marijuana here. Sorry.


KTA - I have been seeing a Doctor an the Consultant who performed my operation. They checked for a fistula but no sign.

I am now awaiting to see gaeny specialist for further tests.

I've ended up in Doctors.. possibly hospital with the pain I'm in right now. Feels like my whole insides are contracting! 

Thank you for the reply x


Hello, Seirla and Kita.

You will feel so much better once the skin heals and you can deal with other issues. Try to get a bidet squirt bottle. The special angled nozzle and tiny holes are designed to clean the anal area. When there is residue left behind it will cause further burning. It won't ever heal until it's kept clean and dry,and use of barrier cream.

I take super enzymes -- after reading about them here from another member -- and they helped my body digest the carbohydrates that I was eating. Undigested carbs can cause small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) and you'll have a lot of gas bubbling and gurgling, trying to come out, and lots of loose leaky stool. The constant stool will aggravate your sore bottom over and over, a vicious cycle. Look for a good quality super enzyme (ask the pharmacist). It doesn't require a prescription. Take a capsule at each meal before your first bite. You'll soon know if it helps with digestion. I hope it works. Gas moving around and spasm inside can hurt. 

Deve posted:

Yes Kratom, it works wonderfully for my pain. It's just ground up leaves, and the leaves are anti inflammatory, anti diarrheal, and they hit opioid receptors in the brain. I'm not sure if it's legal where you live, but you can look online if you're interested. Many web sites sell it. I think it's less addictive than any kind of opiate but it can be addictive if you over-do it. Also try using a perennial irrigation bottle and squirt your anus off after you use the bathroom. I had the same problem you do, and it helps me alot. Ive dealt with a poorly functioning j pouch for the past 13 years, and I have an average of 13 bowel movements a day without medication or herbal supplements.


Ruthie2015 posted:

What strains of kratom have you tried and had good luck with? 

Any kind of green is usually the most balanced for energy/pain relief. Reds are better at night for sleep. White gives me anxiety attacks, so avoid if you're prone to that sort of thing.  The country of origin listed is usually non sense like Thai  or Vietnamese. All of it comes from Indonesia. 

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