Hello all...again .
I am nine months past my pouch surgery.
I lost 50 pounds but have gained back 13.
I am tired and weak all the time. I do mean all the time.
I am lucky to get four hours sleep a night.
I can barely get out of bed it hurts so much.
I have no energy whatsoever.
I feel like I am going to the bathroom way too much...never counted but I am sure it is 15 plus not over 20.
I was wondering if anyone here is or has gone thru this.
I see no end to it.
Even when I had UC I was strong physically and mentally.
I just went back to work two weeks ago and after eight hours I just want to collapse. Taking a shower and getting cleaned up after work is very demanding but has to be done. I have a blue collar job that is very physical.
Now my questions.
Is this due to the weight loss?
Is it due to lack if sleep?....Oh I want to sleep so bad.
I was on a fentanyl patch but she weaned me down to a 25 and stopped.
I have not had a patch on for two weeks.
Could it be withdrawals?
I am taking two other pain meds...Norco and oxycodone..time released.
I do need those for pain and the oxy is to slow my gut down which is very active as mentioned above...especially at night but not anymore due to the oxy.
Any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.
I know i will get some answers here.
Sleep deprivation is what i personally think along with weight loss...is causing this. I am on my way out the door to go see my family doctor but i don't think she will be much help....but we will see.
Thank you all. This is a wonderful place to get true and good advice.
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